Maine Striper fishing during the June "Worm Hatch" Don't Miss It!!!

Posted: 5/3/2008

Dixon's "devil worm"

Clam Worm aka Sand Worm(Nereis Virens)
As I sit here at my fly tying bench thinking about the many fly patterns i'll need to have on hand for the 2008 Maine Striper fishing season, one pattern comes to mind, the lowly Clam Worm aka Sand worm(nereis virens). During the new & full moons of June worms by the thousand leave the safety of their mud flat burrows to spawn in open water. "Worm hatches" can offer some of the most exciting fishing of the year...also when Striped Bass are keyed in on the worms, it can be very frustrating as well, the Stripers ignore almost everything else. The secret to success is "matching the hatch" so to speak, knowing just what the Stripers are feeding on, it's not always obvious. Thats where I your faithful & diligent guide come in. I'm on the water day & night(plenty of strong coffee & Red Bull keeps me going) during the Maine striper fishing season, patterning the movements of the Stripers and also what they've been feeding on.

For worm hatch fishing, we typically use 8wt. rods with a floating or intermediate line and very long tapered leaders(10-14 ft) more common to Bonefish or Steelhead fisheries.
Fly selections should include some small dark colored wooly bugger type flies, dark red, brown, olive with a tinge of chartreuse all work well. Bunny strip flies work well. Check out noted Montauk guide; Paul Dixon's "Devil Worm"'s a killer.
We offer up our own local "secret" pattern that has proven itself over the years. Come Try it out!!!

The June "Worm Hatch" offers some of the most epic sight fishing of the year as Striped Bass lazily gorge themselves during spectacular "Worm Hatches" a careful cast & a well presented fly will yield a tight line almost every time!!!

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 Maine Striper season

Call us today to set up a time before prime dates fill...Let's go fishing!!!

Capt. George Harris
Call us today to set up

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