Maine Saltwater Fishing For Striped Bass Is In Full Swing & Super Fly Charters Has It Dialed In!!!
The Kennebec river is still filling in nicely with fresh, ocean bright Stripers. All of the usual June spots are fishing well....also some of the spots that I fish in late season are covered in fish...That's a great sign that we're in for a great season here in mid coast Maine. A lot of the local fishermen/guides that I've talked to recently have only been finding good numbers feeding fish during the lower light hours of the morning and evenings and while that might be true along certain stretches of is definately not the rule for Striper fishing in general.Going back over the last couple of weeks we've been finding good numbers of Stripers feeding aggressively in bright sunlight during the mid day hours...we've been able to accomplish this by changing our tactics once the sun gets high in the sky. Don't get me wrong, I love chasing big stripers on the flats but that has it's time and place, after all..we're fishing for Striped Bass not Permit. Lately i've been abandoning the shy, easily spooked fish that are up in shallow water in favor of the better numbers of the heavy current deeper water fish that feed heavily on the thick schools of herring located over rocky structure. This type of fishing is still every bit as technical as fishing on the flats, it just presents a whole different set of challenges....anyone whom has ever fished deep water structure that is awash in a ripping current can testify to the challenges presented...proper boat handling is extremely important, as is understanding how upwellings, eddies and currents travel over and around rocky high relief bottom contours...some of this structure may only rise three feet off the surrounding bottom other ledges tower as high as a 7 story building!!! Many times there are acre sized blitzes taking place on this structure...however, most times they're just not taking place up on the surface...rather, they're taking place 20-30 feet below, where the vast majority of anglers will never even suspect it...more often than not these all out submarine blitzes are taking place during the broad daylight conditions that most anglers find unproductive...We've been fishing these daylight subsurface blitzes for years and have it dialed in. Yesterday was a perfect example of what i'm talking about....I had Ed & Steven Petrilli aboard for a fathers day guided striped bass marathon fishing trip...around mid day we had bright sun, a ripping incoming tide being pushed by a stiff SW 20-25 knot breeze....not what you'd consider ideal conditions for Striper fishing. Right?....Wrong!!! We were fishing classic fall blitz conditions during the 85 degree heat of summer...Welcome to Striped Bass fishing in Maine!!!
Flats Guide Capt. Eric Wallace reports that great things are happening on the sand flats of Casco Bay.
Oh yeah the Bluefish have started arriving in the Kennebec also...we haven't caught any yet but severel anglers arrived back at the dock in Bath with a cooler full of chunky blue dogs.
Call us if you'd like to join us for a day or two this coming season. We'll be happy help you plan your Maine vacation!!! If fly fishing isn't your worries we're well equipped for light tackle & live bait fishing too!!!
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