Memorial weekend: White Mountains, bass, and wiener dogs

Can someone please explain to me why everyone in the White Mountains owns a wiener dog? Seriously. WTF?

Anyways, spent the weekend in and around Pinetop, fishing at Big Lake, Scotts reservoir, and Woodland lake. Scotts reservoir can suck my ass. Woodland was great cause it was triple stocked for the holiday…..and……has a great population of bass. Expect us back there in July for some bass action.

Nature lesson

nature lesson

"Mr Trout, that's sunset."

Art of Getting Skunked


[Insert a lame statement here]

Wrinkleneck: You Gatta let em' eat it.

The night fog rolled off Cyclone lake as the first trailer pulled in early Thursday morning. Thursday was the day. It would be the start of the great test: Drinking, fishing, horseshoe and poker masters rolled in and slowly assembled their weapons for the battle ahead. Lines and leaders, rods and reels, bottles and chips fell out of vehicles and trailers, strewn about camp sites while weary eyed travelers pounded tent-steaks and bloody marys in preparation for the 19th Annual Great Southwestern Wrinkleneck Invitational.

No babes, no boobs, no whining was the word. Leave the wife and kids at home….. Just as much for their protection as for the relief of the participants involved. This was no place for the innocent.

I arrived early Thursday afternoon just in time to drink a beer and watch 2 inches of hail fall on the poor bastards already out on the lake. Many wrinkleneckers were already set up, and my father and I were joined under his tent, erected in preparation for the poker tournament lurking sometime after sunset.

The hail storm gave way to annoyingly intermittent rainfall as I prepared my gear and met some of the staff members. Around 2pm I put the boat in the water.

The fishing was outstanding and spending hours shaking off 8-11 inch rainbows was fun at first, but after a while it became slightly annoying. Looking for the big fish became a game of luck and patience, waiting through small hits and hookups in hopes of getting deep enough with your fly to find a worthy fish.

The top water action was just as good but again, everything was small. I swear I caught the same god damn 9 inch trout 20 times throughout the weekend.

After dinner the rain let up and the clouds fucked off around dark leaving the night as cold as my father’s cards. Makers Mark helped, the game continued. I took over and made about a hundred, then lost half in one hand and went to bed. 3 hours later it was time for breakfast.

Dinner was chicken fried steak, with Shiner Bock and Makers on the side followed by poker. I lost the rest of my money. Most of Friday afternoon and evening is a little hazy.

Saturday was the tournament day. Our team was my father, Pat and Myself. Pat and I were in the boat, while my father took his pontoon.

On Friday Pat and I had found a pretty good line for bigger fish, and we pounded that pretty hard. Low and slow. I was using the biggest brown and green buggers I had, while Pat used a big grasshopper popper. When lunch hit we were pretty sure we had the lead with two 14 and a 15 inch rainbow. After lunch we hit it again and my father pulled in a 17 incher, and on the last pass Pat clinched the lead with an 18 incher. That’s all it took to place first. That’s right…. 1st place. 51 ounces. We kick ass.

That evening after dinner the raffle and auction started. Nothing for me. Thanks to all the sponsors for the great stuff.

Poker again that night…. Dave almost lit himself on fire, I was accosted by some random guy, my father won $400 in a straight up texas hold-em game to end the night. That’s all I remember.

Sunday we packed up and went home the champions. It was a successful ‘neck.

I would have to say that I have never drank so much, ate so much, fished so much and slept so little in a 3 day period in my life. I have to get Redneck up here next time….. he was missed.

Maine Striped Bass Fishing : Guided Trip Report

The Striper Fishing season is now officially under way for Super Fly Charters. With my first two guided Striped Bass fishing trips of the 2008 season in the history books, I'm really looking forward to the busy season ahead & arrival of the hordes of migrating stripers that will soon be invading the coast of Maine.

Over the last few days the two guided trips that we have done have gone extremely well...considering that we are not yet into June. We left the dock in search of warmer water and the larger schools of Baitfish (alewives). It didn't take long, after running a couple of miles upriver we ran into pockets of 59-61 degree water, In a scene resembling something out of "Wild Kingdom"...with baitfish skipping all over the surface and the Eagles, Osprey and hundreds of cormorants feeding heavily in the fast river currents, we began probing around some of the large boulders & ledges that provided excellent ambush points for the Striped Bass. Casting large alewive patterns on sink tip lines it didn't take long before we were into a healthy 25 incher of around six pounds. As we worked our way upstream we picked off fish here and there, using flies and soft plastics on spinning gear, the fish ranging in size from 16-25 inches with a total of 15 fish during our four hour trip. Much better than I had hoped for.

Before our trip, I had explained to my clients that it was still early in the Striper fishing season and I wasn't too sure how things would go, They mentioned that it didn't really matter to them... they were in town for a weekend wedding party and were just looking to do some fishing....any fishing!!!Catching a few would just be the icing on the cake. I guess it worked out okay as we caught over 25 stripers in two mornings of fishing. Not too bad early season action!!!

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 season. Call today to set up a time before prime dates fill.

Ask about our "football" Bluefin Tuna trips & "Evening Blitz" trips

Capt. George Harris

Newcomers On The Lyd

This weekend's Beginners' Quickie Course was a washout on the first day... The brave participants persevered in the rain on the lake and the drying room was put to very good use by the end of the morning! The trout proved tricky to catch, with just one rainbow landed by 11 year-old Luke Hillier. The next day was a different story and blue skies graced the Lyd valley and a few wild brown trout made an appearance.

Tim's group took on beat one on the Lyd - a riverside packed lunch was, of course, essential!

The Devon Fly Rod Macnab - EXTRA DATE!

Following high demand for our exciting new challenge, an extra date (for up to six rods) has been added... Tuesday 19th August.
If you are interested, click HERE for more information.

The Devon Fly Rod Macnab - LAST FEW SPACES!

Our two dates for the above are nearly full now with only four spaces left on July 1st. If you haven't yet heard about it, click HERE for more details!

A single price of £420 covers two night's dinner, bed and breakfast, a full day's guided fishing for wild trout, bass and sea trout, a packed lunch and VAT.
Come join us; try the challenge for yourself and be one of the first to catch all three wild species of fish in one day!

Financial Times Magazine

Many thanks must go to Bob Sherwood, contributor to the Financial Times Weekend magazine, for a fantastic article on fishing at the hotel and Anne Voss-Bark. The full story was printed in last weekend's magazine, but a condensed version can be found here: Financial Times - Arundell Arms Story.
Although the weather was less than pleasant on the day, Bob (an AAPGAI instructor himself), Gary Champion and Anne Voss-Bark all caught fish on the Lyd, and the photographer did a superb job!

First On The Chart...

Tim Smith pinched an hour while David was teaching today and headed for beat 7a. After a fruitless run through Quarry Pool in the sweltering heat, the very first cast in the neck of Lydfoot brought a violent take... the first sea trout of the season was on! Tim eventually landed the fish and carefully removed the size 8 Stoat's Tail from its jaws before returning it to the Tamar. The fish was measured at between 22 and 23in, estimated at four pounds... a nice one to start the season with. Summer is here!

The Devon Fly Rod Macnab - DATE CHANGE

We've had to change a date for our exclusive challenge... the Devon Fly Rod Macnab
The first of the two available days has been moved from the 3rd to the 1st of July.
If you haven't heard of this awesome experience yet, click on the link above!

The Magnificent Seven (+1!)

Congratulations must go to the Mitchell party for taking to fly fishing with such apparent ease! The group of shooting pals hadn't tried casting a fly before, and after two days of guidance from David and Tim, were double-spey casting and side-casting wet flies to perfection on the Tamar. It was a shame that the trout didn't appreciate the deft skills, and proved rather hard to catch. Nevertheless, several small fish did fall foul of the flies! We hope to see you all again soon folks... 'twas a pleasure!

Maine "Football" Bluefin Tuna Fishing " Gearing Up"

Some of the gear we use on Gulf of Maine "Football" Bluefin Tuna

The Start of "Football" Bluefin Tuna fishing season is still two months away...but now is the time to start preparing your tackle. Today, I've done just that!!! Starting with my fly fishing gear, the high capacity, machined aluminum, cork drag fly reels all get spooled with brand new 50 & 65 pound spectra backing, upwards of 600 yds!!! The 400, 500, 600 grain "Big Game" fly lines are attached using the loop to loop method, a bimini twist in the spectra backing, threaded through the double nail-knot loop on the fly line insures a solid connection. The leader will be attached later but will consist of a straight shot of 40 or 60 pound seaguar flourocarbon, the length detemined by the size of the fish that we will be pursuing. We have a quiver of Sage & TFO bluewater fly rods used for tuna ranging in size from 12wt to 17 wt. The 13/14 wt rods will see the most action.
Flies selections should include 3-7 inch patterns resembling Herring, Peanut Bunker, Mackeral & Halfbeaks...maybe a squid pattern too. To Stand up to the heavy pressure required to land such powerful fish, flies should be tied on stout 2/0 - 4/0 hooks. My Farorite hooks are the Owner Aki, Tiemco 600sp, And Gamakatsu SC-17.
If you intend to fish for Bluefin on the fly, it is advisable to spend some time "practice casting" with a 14wt fly-rod and the sinking head lines mentioned above...If you dont have access to this kind of gear, Myself or a casting instructor I work closely with can arrange to spend some time whipping you into shape before our guided trip.

For spinning gear we use long casting 8 foot Lamiglas LGM-80, 20-50 class rods rigged with rugged Shimano reels capable of holding 500+ yds of 65 pound spectra. These Lamiglas rods are extremely powerful yet are very light in the hand. A selection of 1-3 oz topwater plugs, soft plastics, bucktails and metal jigs will round out our tackle...all of your gear should have stout hooks & split rings.
We have a selection of parabolic action, Shimano Trevala & Tunamax rods equipped with high speed reels for "butterfly jigging"....a deadly technique used when fish are present but are holding & feeding around deeper structure.

I have been very fortunate over the last 10 years, being able to spend well over 150 days each year commercial fishing on the offshore waters of the Gulf of Maine in addition to the 100+ days spent on the inshore waters guiding for Stripers & Bluefish. All this time on the water allows us pattern the movements of these highly migratory Tuna, however each year brings a new set of challenges that we look forward to. We maintain valuable contacts with other top midcoast Maine Bluefin Tuna fishing guides & commercial Tuna boat captains, more importantly a few of the offshore commercial fishing vessels(purse seine boats) that target the Atlantic Herring that these tuna feed on. These commercial boats have little interest in these juvenile fish as they are off limits to commercial harvest, so the F/V captains are most always willing to share info. Of course some icy cold adult beverages for the hardworking crew goes a long way!!!

We operate on the waters of midcoast Maine from Casco Bay to Penobscot Bay. But we'll chase these tuna north, south, east, west...wherever they may go!!!We'll be hot on their heels!!!

Our "football" Bluefin Tuna trips have become very popular and the reservations continue to come in!!!
Call us today to set up a time before prime dates fill.

Capt. George Harris

Butt Kickers

Who would have thought you would find this hat at Circle K? Or that there would be guys that would actually buy them.

We kick ass.

Maine Striper fishing early morning Guided trip recap(last season)

Let's go back in time to mid June,2007 for a recap of a guided Maine Striper fishing trip.

In the early morning darkness(O'Dark Thirty), I stand at the dock. The boat rigged & ready to go, fully loaded with all the gear, flies and other essentials. A shiny black SUV suddendly speeds into the empty parking lot and screeches to a stop, it's headlights temporarily blind me. Two sleepy Gore-Tex & fleece clad anglers stumble out with steaming cups of coffee in hand. After a short greeting, handshakes and obligatory safety discussion, we untie the 21' Parker and idle slowly away from the dock heading southeast into a dense but patchy fog, the sleep deprived anglers still grumbling to each other about the early hours that I keep . After idling roughly one hundred yards, I kill the engine and grab the pushpole, both anglers stare at me with that "what the heck are you up to" look. Without a word I simply point ahead at the scene unfolding on the glassy calm water....swirls, splashes, boils, wakes..."nervous water" all around us. Both anglers, now instantly awake grab the pair of 8 wt rods that I have stowed neatly in their under gunnel rod-tubes, frantically stripping line from their large arbor reels and both shouting where do we cast!!! I smile while casually replying...Anywhere!!! Long graceful loops of fly-line shoot outward towards the melee. The angler in the bow strips his fly twice and hangs a solid fish as the angler in the stern shouts I'M ON TOO!!! I quickly lip grab the first fish that comes to the boat and pop the clouser from its lip the second angler does the same with his fish, a quick photo and the fish are gently released into the fast ebbing tide. As we drift and pole along in 3 feet of water on the edge of this expansive flat we hook fish on almost every cast, the fish are so blitzed up feeding on juvie herring that they are oblivious to our presence.
In the distance I hear a familiar booming laugh, I look up & smile as I see a fellow guide emerging from the fog, drifting along the same edge in his rugged red 20' Lund Alsakan...his angler on the bow struggling against a deep bend in his fly rod as he quickly brings the healthy sea bright Striper to the Boat for a quick photo & release.
And so it would go for the remainder of our half day trip...nearly every flat held numbers of feeding Stripers, never once did we repeat the same drift, I'm not one to leave fish to find fish...but on this morning, we were blessed....

stay tuned for fresh new reports!!!

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 Maine Striper & Bluefin Tuna season!!!

call today to set up a time before prime dates fill

Capt. George Harris

Maine Striper Fishing almost here!!!

40+ incher caught & released during 2007 Herring run
Beautiful Herring pattern shared by: Jim Miller

The herring run's have just started in Maine and thousands upon thousands of Striped Bass will soon be entering the tidal rivers & bays to feed on the huge schools of herring. The first Stripers will be "schoolie" sized fish 18-26 inches with larger fish coming shortly after. I am tying some Alewive & Blueback herring flies to "match the hatch". I use many of the new synthetic fibers and flash material when tying these flies, DNA fusion & Slinky fibers work well. I use long, thin stemmed saddle hackles too. Using synthetics & "Hollow Fly" techniques, perfected by noted NJ angler and master fly tier Bob Popovics, I'm able to quickly build a bulky yet sparse herring profile. some lead wire wrapped around the hook shank will help the flie get down in heavy current. I like the Tiemco 600sp or similar hook, they're razor sharp right out of the package & super strong, they wont straighten under the weight of a big fish.
For colors, I tie with a white or gray belly, some light pink, light blue & lavender along the sides topped with olive. finished off with a prominent holographic eye.

9-10 wt rods with 300-450 grain lines will pull these flies down deep to where "biggie" Stripers are usually holding station. We focus on the Herring runs of Muscongus Bay & the many tidal rivers that flow directly into it. The Saint George, Medomak & Damariscotta river all harbor huge runs of "river herring" Come join us this season!!!

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 Maine Striper fishing season!!!

Call us today to set up a time before prime dates fill. Let's go fishing!!!

Capt. George Harris

Check us out in the Spring "Hot Spots" section of the May/June 2008 issue of Fly
Fishing in Salt Waters(pg.88). We're the featured guide service for Maine Striper fishing.

"Super Fly" almost ready for Maine Striper fishing season

Posted: 5/4/2008

Well...I spent the day working on the "Super Fly", the hull has been cleaned & waxed...twice!!! The brand new blingin' color Raymarine electronics installed. Just a few more loose ends to tie up and she's ready to splash!!!

For those of you who don't know, the " Super Fly" is our Beaufort, NC built 21' Parker CC Special Edition. Parker has building boats for well over 30 years, built & designed to run the treacherous waters of North Carolina's Outer Banks. Parker has built a legendary & well deserved reputation among top east coast guides.
After running several smaller, able, yet less capable, flats skiffs, off the coast of Maine & Florida, we think we've found the ultimate fly & light tackle fishing skiff for fishing the rugged New Enland coast.
With it's 10 inch draft the "Super Fly" can easily fish the skinny water of the flats. With it's elevated casting platform on front deck, our anglers can easily sight & cast to their quarry...on the platform the anglers eye's are almost on the same level as your guides, no more worrying about casting to the numbers of a clock, you'll see your target.

Safety, client comfort & fishability were all qualities that drew me to Parker boats. The wide beam and Carolina flared bow will keep you dry & comfortable when that afternoon seabreeze kicks up a tide chop.

Our boat is as capable chasing " Football" Bluefin Tuna off the Maine coast as it is on the flats. With its mid thigh gunnels you'll be able to brace yourself as we race to intercept a school of "Blitzing" fish to get you in posistion to make that long cast to the boiling tuna.
For the livebait enthusiast, We have rigged the "Super Fly" with two massive forty gallon livewells each fed by dual high capacity raw water pumps. We can carry all the live bait necessary for a full day on the water. Those Maine stripers wont stand a chance when we drift down over that ledge with some live "swimmers" in the water. Also ask about our "Bait & Switch" techniques for Fly & Light Tackle wont believe how well it works!!!

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 Maine Striper fishing season

Call us today to set up a time before all dates fill!!!

Capt. George Harris

Check back often for Maine Striper & Tuna fishing reports!!!

Maine Striper fishing during the June "Worm Hatch" Don't Miss It!!!

Posted: 5/3/2008

Dixon's "devil worm"

Clam Worm aka Sand Worm(Nereis Virens)
As I sit here at my fly tying bench thinking about the many fly patterns i'll need to have on hand for the 2008 Maine Striper fishing season, one pattern comes to mind, the lowly Clam Worm aka Sand worm(nereis virens). During the new & full moons of June worms by the thousand leave the safety of their mud flat burrows to spawn in open water. "Worm hatches" can offer some of the most exciting fishing of the year...also when Striped Bass are keyed in on the worms, it can be very frustrating as well, the Stripers ignore almost everything else. The secret to success is "matching the hatch" so to speak, knowing just what the Stripers are feeding on, it's not always obvious. Thats where I your faithful & diligent guide come in. I'm on the water day & night(plenty of strong coffee & Red Bull keeps me going) during the Maine striper fishing season, patterning the movements of the Stripers and also what they've been feeding on.

For worm hatch fishing, we typically use 8wt. rods with a floating or intermediate line and very long tapered leaders(10-14 ft) more common to Bonefish or Steelhead fisheries.
Fly selections should include some small dark colored wooly bugger type flies, dark red, brown, olive with a tinge of chartreuse all work well. Bunny strip flies work well. Check out noted Montauk guide; Paul Dixon's "Devil Worm"'s a killer.
We offer up our own local "secret" pattern that has proven itself over the years. Come Try it out!!!

The June "Worm Hatch" offers some of the most epic sight fishing of the year as Striped Bass lazily gorge themselves during spectacular "Worm Hatches" a careful cast & a well presented fly will yield a tight line almost every time!!!

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 Maine Striper season

Call us today to set up a time before prime dates fill...Let's go fishing!!!

Capt. George Harris
Call us today to set up

Guided Maine Striper fishing trips, herring runs + big flies = BIG FISH!!!

Posted: 5/1/08

Alewive & Blueback Herring coutesy Maine Dept. of Marine resources

With the start of the Maine Striper Fishing season almost upon us it's time to start thinking about targeting the huge herring runs that occur along the entire coast of Maine. Some of the largest Striped Bass of the year are caught during June as Alewive & Blueback Herring migrate back to their natal rivers and upsteam lakes to spawn.
We concentrate on the prolific herring runs of Muscongus Bay & the St. George, Medomak and Damariscotta rivers as these offer some of the largest alewive runs in state waters. Large 8-12 inch herring flies fished with 9-10 wt rods & 300-450 grain sinking head lines. A Short 4-6 foot flouro leader is all you need...keep it simple!!! I highly reccomend using a loop knot such as the "Duncan Loop" to attach your fly, this will give your fly much more movement allowing you to present your offering with appeal of fluttering injured baitfish.
for the light tackle anglers target the same Herring runs using large soft plastics such as slug-go and fin-s fish, either fished weightless or with varying sized jig heads. Live lining herring will produce when all else fails!!!
Call now to set up a time before prime dates fill.

Reservations continue to come in for the 2008 Maine Striper fishing season & Interest remains high for our nearshore fly & light tackle "football" Bluefin Tuna trips!!!

Capt. George Harris
Super Fly Charters
207-691-0745 cell/boat

Rose Canyon, prarie dogging, bottle caps, and karoke

So, the lake was windy, as you can obviously see by the photo below. But just take my word for it, it was stupid. As always elk hair caddis was working great as with the stimulators. Caught a couple on a royal wolf as well.

There were people their catching on worms, and spinners too... but who cares.

Even though it was a holiday, (cinco de mayo) there were not as many people there as I would have thought.

We ran into a man all the way from Hot Springs, Arkansas, who was apparently road tripping to San Francisco. I would like to remind people from that part of the country that there are certain words that require you to close your lips to pronounce correctly. A couple days later this same guy showed up at the Pawn shop that Aaron works at trying to pawn a car stereo, which was obviously not legally obtained since he was road tripping across the country and we highly doubt that he just happen to bring a car stereo along just in case he had to pawn something for money….. and he showed up on the bus. What happened to his ride? It’s probably missing its stereo.

Anyways, the trip overall was pretty good, except for the time that Aaron almost crapped himself walking from the lake to the bathroom..... damn whiskey shits.

Speaking of shits..... there is a bar restaurant called Mulligan’s here in Tucson, and they have these things called 'bottlecaps' that are basically deep-fried jalapeno slices. They are so damn tasty but bring down hellish wrath on the old pooper.

Aaron and I went to Mulligan’s after Rose Canyon on Monday, and I did not remember that it was Cinco De Mayo..... strange scene. Picture this: Irish type bar with a golf theme, a shitty Mexican DJ, and a white woman karaokeing Felize Navidad. Yea......

Spreading the word: Dahlberg Diver

Over a year ago, Jay Lee sent me two flies, a Humpy and a Dahlberg Diver. Last night I tried my best to instruct how to tie the Dahlberg Diver at the local fishing club.

at the club

It takes some time until we reach the level of perfection Jay has, but the word is out there. We are going to catch pike soon.


Thanks Jay!

Saskatchewan Pics

The Dogs and I have been pretty busy with spring training , it's safe to say that the huns and Sharptails have made it through another Saskatchewan winter ,the young dogs have had a lot of contacts , I am also breaking most of the crew , it 's been a lot of work and a lot of fun !

Bank Holidays Are Made For Fishing

(Click on the pics to enlarge them!)
The bank holiday weekend's Beginners' River/Lake Course saw a gathering of lovely folks descend on Lifton in some long-overdue sunshine. The first day saw everyone get to grips with casting quickly, so it was soon only fair to throw a fly or two at a trout...

Tom was first up, and the near five-pound rainbow just wouldn't give up! Taking his time to play the monster, Tom eventually had the fish in the net... what a great one to start on!

The last couple of days saw the course take to Lifton's rivers. Although conditions were perfect and the gorgeous weather more than welcome, no one thought to tell the trout! Although fish were hard to tempt, all of the participants managed at least one wild brown trout from either the Lyd or Thrushel.

Charles gets to grips with wading and the fine art of double spey casting!

Tony and Wendy enjoy a well-deserved al fresco lunch on the banks of the Thrushel.

Andy throws a line to be proud of...

... only to miss yet another lightning-fast brown trout!

Tom makes a relaxed cast with style... nice work.
And, of course, last but by no means least... the star of the show...

Thanks must go to Charles, Tom, Andy, Tony and Wendy for being a thoroughly enjoyable bunch to teach and to spend time with. We hope to see you all again soon!

The First Of Many!

After a busy day on a beginner's course, David and Tim dashed to beat 7a on the Tamar to try their luck. Just half a dozen casts later in the tail of Quarry Pool, and David's size 4 Pilk's Bumble was snaffled by something silver...

During the lively fight on the 7-wt sea trout outfit, Tim snapped away with the camera, and the fish tired

Just about fitting in the sea trout net, David estimated the first salmon of the year on the AA water at around 7lb.

Unfortunately, the fish wouldn't keep still for the 'grip and grin' shot, and flipped back into the Tamar to continue it's upstream journey!

Just to top a memorable hour's fishing, David and Tim spotted these characters as the light went. The red deer could hear the camera shutter over the noise of the river at 100 yards!