News: Things Aren't Always What They Seem

Here are a few fishy things we have seen to help insure that you make good choices this Wednesday:

According to WVLT-TV Knoxville, the TWRA is finding problems with fish in the area near the Clinch River fly ash spill. The problems include issues with gills, stomachs, and scales. The news story includes what would probably be our Fly Fishing Quote of the week had we not already selected one: "Many times people don't like to eat something if it doesn't look good."
Newsprint Aggregator, is reporting about a hunter who found out the hard way that a seven point buck's antlers aren't just for decorating your fireplace.
"He came straight at me before I knew what was going on," said Curtis, a stay-at-home dad with four children. "I tried to get my rifle up but it was on safety, and I just didn't have time before he was on me." The deer was apparently enticed by the scent Webb was using (Tink's 69 Doe in Rut Buck Lure)"
Over the past several months Albright Tackle has been running an extended deep discount sale. We even bought one of their reels for our Albright 9 weight. Apparently they are changing their pricing model and clued us in today via a rather strange email:
"Regardless of what you paid for some of our products in the past, we ask you to compare our current prices to anything out there. There's simply nothing remotely close. In fact, after doing an across the board brand analysis, we found that on average we were almost 60% less than our competition."

We took it to say, "Hey dudes, we gave you some super deals but then we looked and found out we were way under market so we have decided to give you some less super deals in the future." We looked and the prices are still really good despite the mixed marketing message.

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