Anglers are obsessed with numbers. We know the size and weight of the last steelhead we caught but forget our wife's birthday. We know the grain weight of the head that best matches our spey rod. We know how many ounces the new latest and greatest rod is.
Numbers are important so let me give you a few.
9,600 The number of flies we will have in stock on opening day. That is 800 dozen.. 800 different bins of the hottest flies in the region.
2,200 The number of square feet in our new shop it will include a dedicated classroom for all of the instructional classes and guest tiers we will have.
2 The number of companies that are making alcoholic beverages in the same building as the Westslope Fly Shop. We are next to the Northern Lights Brewing company and Dry Fly Distillery.
72 The number of fly rods on hand on opening night 72 Sage, Redington and Ross fly rods for you to wiggle, cast and buy.
35 Reels from Tibor (wait until you see these hand machined beauties) Ross, Sage and Redington
80 Lines from 2wt Sage for the TXL to a complete assortment of spey heads and tips.
60 Fly boxes to put some of those 9600 flies in.
1000's of Feathers, hackles, marabou, CDC duck duck goose a starling or too and a partridge in a pear tree. There will be enough feathers in our tying department to tar and feather all the politicians in the Spokane area.
420 this is an amazing number.. 420 different colors styles and types of spool products with at least 6 of each, this will give us over 3000 spools in inventory on day one.
3000 the number of pegs in our fly tying department this means there will be 3000 different types of feathers, hooks, chenille, dubbing, etc etc etc well you get the idea and this does not include the spooled products.
8 and 15 The range of sizes of Simms boots in stock.
23 the sizes of waders available from Simms in WOMEN'S sizes alone.
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