Scaled Quail Country |
Ted pointing a running covey |
Spot pointing the Blues |
Blue Quail and the trusty G.Lewis |
What started off to be a tough day turned around ,thanks to two coveys of Blue or Scaled Quail.
Prior to the "Blues" Tish and I got into two coveys of Gambles Quail ,except for one bird the first covey disappeared into a wash and I missed when Tish flushed the single .I thought the second covey was going to be easy pickings , it was for Tish who made three different flushes on singles and pairs but I blew all my shots.I hoped I was not entering a shooting slump (my excuse) .My next loop was with Sam ,Hilda and Martha , and after chasing a covey of Gambles for 200 yards they to eluded us .
Things started to look up when a Covey of Blues ran across the road ,Tish was all over it flushing several birds this time I connected with two of them .Next out of the dog box was Ted ,Spot and Reba who also got into a running covey of Gambles which got away from us .This was my last loop of the season so the pressure was on to shoot a least one more bird before heading home .
After about a mile I turned the dogs back towards the truck ,All three dogs started the usual point then relocate.With my gun at the ready I covered their points to no avail then under the pressure from the dogs and myself the covey of Blues jumped up wild and I made a "did I do that"long shot on one of the birds .
I ended the season right then and there and on a good note.We headed back to the truck then home to watch the Super Bowl.
I suppose I could head over to New Mexico or up to Nevada and carry on but I am done .We have been going hard since mid -September so now it is time to start thinking fishing ,tying flies and training dogs .Tish needs to work on her blind retrieves and the Pointers need to be worked towards being steady to wing and shot , not field trail broke but tighter than what they are now.
At any rate I am looking forward to what lays ahead on all fronts and I like to thank the readers who followed our season ,your presence and comments on this site helped inspire me to post more often than not.
Dave Brown
Hilda checking out an old building |
AZ scenery |
Geronimo Battle site |
Reba on Point |
The area of the season's last loop |
Reba & Spot working running birds |
Spot retrieves the last Bird |
Dixie brings back a bird that I threw for her |
The reward for the day |
Reba backing Spot |
Blue Quail |
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