Comparadun's Little Brother

Fish have been very picky with the bright conditions of late and I've found that alternating between sizes of dries can help keep the success rate up. A similar pattern to ones I've posted before, but here they are for comparison:

Hooks: TMC531 #12 and TMC 900BL #20 used here
Thread: 14/0 Sheer, brown
Body: Wapsi Superfine, olive
Tail: Coq de Leon
Wing: CDC in split thread loop, olive / brown


Trout & Salmon Magazine's August advert for Deer Creek has recently been prepared, and uses some of the photos I've taken for the company.

Nik Wright has really developed Deer Creek over the last few months with a wealth of new patterns, interesting materials and he has started to collaborate with some really interesting tyers. Certainly, having photographed most of the flies for Deer Creek, I can vouch for their quality of tying. Impressive indeed.


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