My darkest secrets

Mike, a curry loving Scotsman from Asia and the author of Tamanawis blog, pointed his finger towards me in form of a challenge to reveal my darkest secrets. Or at least I should tell you five things that a handful of people around the world (=my blog’s regular readers) don’t know about me.

1. I think that you have already figured this one out: I am really not sure when I should put word ‘the’ or ‘a/an’ in front of other words when I write in English. I also have problems with other words like ‘on’, ‘in’ and ‘at’. It has been over ten years since I studied English last time and frankly I don’t remember much about these things anymore. I rely on how it feels, sounds, or looks – i.e. just plain luck.

2. My wife is a cyborg. When she was a child, a neighbor’s dog attacked my future wife and damaged her lacrimal duct which was later replaced by artificial implant. The scary thing is that there is no way to know this simply by looking at her - but deep down inside, she is a machine.

3. When I was 20 years old, my homeland required me to attend 11 month military service, which changed my life in an unexpected way: I learned to play and game master role playing games. That was what I did for better part of decade that followed and only in last 5 years or so I have not played any more. But still the friendships that I gained in that period remain.

4. I’m a psychologist by profession/education. I have never done a single day that work; instead I hang around at an Information Technology Company and do some consulting that is hard to describe as a job.

5. I have no idea what to do when I grow up. I hope that my family is involved and it includes some fly fishing.

The only thing left is to name five other persons to reveal their secrets:
- Jay / Fly Fishing and More
- Dave B / Fishing for Native Trout
- Fly Fisherman / Fly Fishing Journal
- The Mad Fishicist
- BCM / Musings of a Mad Fisherman

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