Training day Pics

Cruz and Martha
Mixed Scaled and Mearns Quail Habitat

I am trying to get out 4 times a week with the dogs as  they need it and so do I .Today we went to a spot that over the years holds all three species of Quail , today we found two species.One huge covey of Scaled  Quail and two decent sized coveys of Mearns .As usual Ted had the first find  on Scalies ,due to the wind the birds ran up the wash.More points where scored by Hilda and Sam ,Dixie got in a back and Tish a flush .Next out was Buddy, Cruz ,Martha ,Reba along for the run was Dixie  who is really starting to figure things out .
Martha and Cruz scored on a Covey of Mearns  then Buddy found another covey which Dixie also pointed or backed on ..all and all a great day.
The pictures where taken with my new Iphone ,not bad for a low tech guy and camera  .

Tish sits while Ted and Sam point a Scaled Quail,she goes in for the flush once when everyone is ready
Mountain Shot
Dixie backs Martha who is backing Cruz on Mearns

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